Object-based image analysis for urban land cover classification in the city of Campinas-SP, Brazil
David G. M. França, Rodolfo G. Lotte, Cláudia M. de Almeida, Sacha M. O. Siani, Thales S. Körting, Leila G. M. Fonseca, and Luiz T. da Silva
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Classifiers that make use of pixel-by-pixel approaches are limited in the high spatial and radiometric resolution of intra-urban regions. That happens because of noise in the image and confusion in the targets spectral response that display similarity in it’s signal like: ceramic roofs and bare soil. Because of that, the literature favors approaches that make use of object-oriented analysis for image segmentation, those approaches make a better use of the high spatial resolution and don’t use only the target’s spectral response. Assuming that the object-oriented analysis is a favorable approach to be implemented in intra-urban areas, this paper will assess the results of such approach through an implementation of it in an urbanized area from the city of Campinas (Brazil), which has a size close to twelve square kilometers. Making use of the fusion of high spatial resolution image from Worldview-2 sensor and it’s panchromatic band, the experiments were performed with the use of E-Cognition TM Developer 8 as the segmentation platform, and the classification being based on a decision tree generated by C4.5 algorithm on the software WEKA. This work also assess which approach best suits the experiment needs, being an optimal attribute selection achieved through a Wrapper filter, with a final kappa statistic of 0.9425.
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title={Object-based image analysis for urban land cover classification in the city of Campinas-SP, Brazil},
author={Fran{\c{c}}a, David GM and Lotte, Rodolfo G and de Almeida, Cl{\'a}udia M and Siani, Sacha MO and
K{\"o}rting, Thales S and Fonseca, Leila GM and da Silva, Luiz T},
booktitle={Urban Remote Sensing Event (JURSE), 2015 Joint},